Hitler used films for NAZI PROPAGANDA just like NETFLIX and the FAR-LEFT use films and shows for Communist propaganda in the USA right now
- Historical Parallels in Propaganda – The text compares Nazi propaganda films (like those by Leni Riefenstahl) to modern far-left and Hollywood productions, alleging that Netflix and other platforms push Communist ideology through entertainment.
- Cultural and Moral Decay – The far-left promotes “perversions” (LGBTQ+ themes, abortion, gender transitions) to undermine traditional values, weaken the nuclear family, and advance a depopulation agenda.
- Brainwashing Through Media – U.S. films and TV shows indoctrinate youth to hate conservatives, reject patriotism, and embrace “anti-science” ideas (climate change, vaccines) while demonizing white men and straight people.
- Authoritarian Tactics – Both Nazis and modern leftists use propaganda to distract the public while eroding freedoms, with Hollywood, Big Tech, and corporations allegedly complicit in this control scheme.
The Communist and Fascist playbooks are nearly identical. Distract the populace with perversions, divisiveness and violence while a police-state government takes away all of their rights, privacy, homes, land and children. Hitler and the Nazis did it 85 years ago and the Democrats are STILL doing it, even though they’ve been ousted from Washington DC, mostly. One key medium method to influence the masses in this way is to create films that entertain and brainwash at the same time.
Leni Riefenstahl (Helene Riefenstahl) was an actress and film director best known for her imposing propaganda films in support of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party. She was Hitler’s favorite film-maker and the Nazi regime’s most skilled propagandist, directing films that glorified the Third Reich. Today, Hollywood is a huge propaganda machine that manufactures films and TV shows to push the insidious Communist agenda of the Left in the USA. One of their favorite hubs for this is none other than Netflix.
Films are a key propaganda medium for Nazis and Communists
Today, the far-Left in the United States demonizes the nuclear family and white males. Children and teens are heavily influenced to become perverted very early in life and to think about sex, multiple sex partners, promiscuity, cross-dressing, gender “change” operations, pornography, and abortion. This is part of the depopulation agenda of the Democrat Party, which has become one hundred percent Communist by nature.
By streaming propaganda films on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, and showing them in theatres, much of the American youth has been brainwashed to believe that all white people are born racist, white men should convert mentally and physically to be (like) submissive females, and all young people should violently hate everyone who doesn’t support this “lifestyle.”
As a cover story for their own racism, hatred of America, and divisive propaganda, the Left labels the right as Nazis, fascists, dictators, and hate-spewing bigots. Yet, it’s the Left that is training their own people to believe in Communism, Socialism, and the absolute removal of all personal freedoms in the name of … perverted lifestyles.
Most films and shows aired on TV and Netflix have themes woven into them to influence the masses to poison their bodies and minds with counter-culture, anti-science philosophies (think climate change), mass-drugging (think scripps, fluoride and vaccines), and perverted sex-thinking 24/7/365. This is the mass distraction scheme the Communist and Fascist leaders always use to hypnotize the populace into submission. It’s been going on since before WWII and it is propagated today by Hollywood, Disney, most celebrities, Big Tech, Big Food, Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex.
The Nazis and Hitler used films to convince the populace to help extinguish blacks, jews, gays, the elderly, the handicapped, autistic kids, and anyone else that was a “burden” on society and the economic state of Germany. Today, the Left and Hollywood demonizes all white people, all straight people, the nuclear family, anyone who is patriotic, the middle class, veterans, and anyone who doesn’t support fake science.
Tune your apocalypse dial to Preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies, and propaganda that comes at us every day now.
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