Estimated reading time: 19 minutes There’s a fairly good chance you’ve never heard of a Haybox. Yes, it’s a box filled with hay, but it has a unique function that goes beyond hay storage. Think of it as the world’s first crockpot. The idea is that a pot of soup, stew,…
A cluster of possible bird flu infections in Missouri has grown to include eight people. These eight could very well represent the first examples of person-to-person transmission of the H5N1 avian influenza in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.
Should these eight people be confirmed to have contracted bird…
This article was originally published by Carus Michaelangelo at The Mises Institute.
Like many people, I eagerly await Scott Horton’s upcoming book, Provoked, which will explain in detail the US provocations that led to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But will it come too late?
Since the Russia-Ukraine war began, the Biden administration, in collaboration with the…
This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natural News.
More than 350 people have died following a barrage of Israeli airstrikes in eastern and southern Lebanon.
The death toll includes 42 women and 24 children, according to the Lebanese health ministry, while more than 1200 individuals have been injured so far. However, authorities emphasized that…
Researchers have stated that the current containment methods in place for the bird flu are “failing” as the virus continues to spread silently. Researchers at The Pirbright Institute have discovered that with current global containment strategies failing, and evidence of sustained transmission between mammals, concerns have surfaced about the potential spillovers to humans.
Writing in…
This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: Russian Television Broadcasts Simulated NUCLEAR STRIKE on London – Fireball Would “Instantly Vaporize” Hundreds of Thousands of People
A Russian media network that the Western media is calling “a staunchly pro-Putin propaganda TV channel” broadcast a shocking four-minute video this week that portrays…
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes When disaster strikes, no one knows when things will return to normal. In some cases, things may never truly return to normal. With this being the case, it’s a good idea to stock up on foods that are meant for the long haul. Before we begin,…
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog.
If chaos is what they intended, everything is coming together beautifully. Major wars threaten to throw the entire planet into a state of turmoil, criminals are running wild in our streets, and in a little over a month, the outcome of the presidential…
The H5N1 bird flu is mutating fast as it jumps from mammal to mammal. According to an article in News Medical Life Sciences, written by Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta, Ph.D., scientists have uncovered alarming evidence of H5N1’s rapid adaptation to mammals fueled by genetic mutations.
High-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) viruses belonging to the H5N1 subtype…
This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Exposé.
Selected attendees at the UN adopted the ‘Pact for the Future’ on Sunday, a global agreement that received little media coverage even though it severely impacts 193 countries.
The Pact creates a new global order and covers all areas of human activity to implement…