Nutrition Bible sermon: Mike Adams talks about the importance of putting on the molecular ARMOR OF GOD
The Health Ranger Mike Adams discussed why it is important to put on the molecular Armor of God during the inaugural sermon of his 100 Sermons series on the “Health Ranger Report.”
The Bible nutrition educator based his first sermon on the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians in the New Testament, specifically where it touches on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11). He called on people to don this armor and be strong in the Lord.
“You must express courage and understand that you are acting in the power of his might, that He is with you. God is with us. And with God at your side, we put on the armor of God so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,” Adams said.
“We avoid exposure to more toxins such as the vaccine jabs, pesticides, herbicides [and] toxic pharmaceuticals. We pursue clean food, clean supplements, superfoods that contain the miraculous molecules provided by God. Molecules of cleansing and of healing, molecules of protection.” (Related: Mike Adams announces 100 sermons in 100 days… with sermon #1 available now – the MOLECULAR Armor of God.)
The Health Ranger mentioned how certain molecules are found in certain foods, which means that eating them protects the body from within. Letting these molecules circulate through the body allows the molecular Armor of God to do its work.
One such molecule is sulforaphane, which can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli sprouts. It protects the nerves from toxins and stressors.
Another molecule is astaxanthin, a very rich red pigment that purifies the blood when ingested. This molecule also protects the cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
The Bible nutrition educator ultimately noted that whether it is sulforaphane or astaxanthin, these molecules are the Armor of God coursing through a person’s veins.
Evil forces used FEAR as a weapon against people
The founder of Natural News and said his sermon is about courage, the Armor of God and understanding the war being waged against humanity and God.
According to Adams, “fear” was the weapon used by the evil forces during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to lock down businesses, churches, schools and people. These dark forces are led by Satan and his minions – the globalists.
“The fear was constant. The fear was the weapon. The fear was more dangerous than the virus,” he said.
“The plandemic wasn’t real, but the fear was something that people would make real in their own minds as they allowed themselves to take in the fear because they were not wearing the Armor of God, and they did not have faith in the Armor of God.”
Adams reiterated that people must be able to withstand the time of great evil. He expressed optimism by pointing out that people are fighting against this spiritual wickedness.
However, many mainstream churches have become vehicles to discourage people from wearing the molecular Armor of God. Ultimately, a person has to make a conscious decision to step forward and choose a path of courage – paying no heed to things that discourage them from doing so. Adams stressed that if people put on the armor, they can stand against this evil.
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Listen to the inaugural sermon from the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the molecular Armor of God.
This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on
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