The bosses are unlocking the rusty cage in the dark ammo shelter they keep us toiling away in here at TTAG and said we are free to run wild in the watermelon patch an extra day since Monday is one of the very few things the Feds have foisted on us that is actually good…the Labor Day holiday. So with that temporary reprieve, this is just a quick heads up to our TTAG faithful that our usual light weekend posting schedule will extend through Monday as well, Tuesday if sobriety hasn’t kicked in sufficiently by then. We hope everyone gets a chance to get out and enjoy this last “unofficial” weekend of summer cooking out, hanging at the beach or lake, shooting doves as that season opens as well for many of us, reading the arguments in the comments section between Miner49er, .40 cal Booger and Debbie W, or escaping the keyboard Thunderdome and simply just going out to put some rounds through your favorite firearm(s). It’s your day, do what or who you enjoy. As our friends over at Field Ethos like to say, just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean it isn’t a great time to “shoot Monday in the face.” Especially because you can slither back to the nightmare-sweated sheets of your bed or crack open a foamy cold one early with the entire day ahead to stack ’em up. (But, um, just a word to the wise, don’t go shooting if you do the latter.)
Stay safe, have fun, BE NICE (don’t post comments that are going to get you auto-moderated because we’re not going to be here to approve them) and we’ll keep a handful of good and honestly somewhat shocking stories coming (courtesy of scheduling) until we’re back.
Stay crisp…
Read full article here